Section: Dissemination


  • Yann Ollivier coordinated, with IHP, numerous activitives for the centenary of Claude Shannon, including a public exhibition at the Musee des Arts et Metiers, a cycle of public conferences, a contest for teachers on the best IT class project, and a workshop on the current state of information theory.

  • Yann Ollivier, co-organizes the European Union Contest for Young Scientists (science fair for high school students from 30+ countries organized by the European Commission).

  • Aurélien Decelle, participation to "la fête de la science" animating a presentation of arduino to high school students and families at Inria Turing.

  • Paola Tubaro, invited talk on "Online social networks and eating disorders", ACT eating disorders association, Nîmes, 5 Feb.; invited talk on "Are we all digital laborers?", Autonomy salon of urban mobility, Paris, 8 Oct.; public interview, "L’économie peut-elle être collaborative? Rencontre avec la sociologue et chercheure Paola Tubaro", Montréal, 2 Nov.; panelist at the round table "Big data, que fait-on de nos données?", organized at Museum of civilization, Québec, 3 Nov.; co-animator, workshop on big data in the "International science and society forum" for high school students, Québec, 4-6 Nov.; panelist at the round table "L'économie peut-elle être vraiment collaborative ET sociale et solidaire?", Ministry of the Economy, Paris, 13 Dec.

  • Paola Tubaro, training on the digital society and its effects on labor and the economy, for union leaders (CGT, 27 Apr., CFDT, 23 Jun).

  • Paola Tubaro, radio interviews and panels: Radio France Inter, Radio France Culture, ICI Radio Canada, Aligre.fm. Book reviews and mentions in the media: Le Monde, Rue89/L'Obs, Mashable/France24, Slate.fr, Journal International de Médecine, The Conversation.

  • io.datascience notable presentations at: CNRS-Inria day data4ist : exploration et analyse des sources de données pour la recherche et ses environnements (May 2016) ; Futur en Seine 2016 (Juin 2016) ; DGESIP/MiPNES seminar Normes et échanges de données : où en est-on ? (September 2016).